2003-02-18 at 9:12 p.m.

This poem was prompted by a comment I made in Arianne's Livejournal. This one's for you, kid.

He prowls beneath the streets at night,

The creature that all life despises.

Mothers, hold your children tight-

Now is the hour when he rises.


He roameth through the sewer, searching

For some flesh on which to feed.

Oh, flee ye from his savage lurching

gait- his lot is death and greed.


What creature this, so black and twisted?

What creature from the depths of hell?

How can this horror have existed?

Well, gather close, for I shall tell.


T'was on a chilly winter's morn

While many children laughed and played.

T'was on that day that he was born-

No, never born. This thing was made.


T'was children did his body mould.

T'was children who attached his head.

Children who, on growing cold

Did leave their creature- leave for dead.


There must have been some magic in

That old silk hat they found,

For once the kids were all tucked in...

He began to move around.


His twig-like fingers flexed and fumbled.

His movements were unsure and slow.

He took a step- and promptly stumbled

In the unforgiving snow.


He knew he was an aberration-

Abandoned, slighted, left for dead.

To dwell in light was not his station.

He found another place, instead.


So now he takes revenge upon

The ones who did abandon him.

So tarry not, or you'll be gone

To meet a fate both dark and grim.


He prowls beneath the streets at night,

The creature that all life despises.

Mothers, hold your children tight-

Now is the hour when he rises.

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