2004-09-16 at 8:51 p.m.

The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring (Tra La)

(With apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan)

The flowers that bloom in the Spring

(tra la)

Can sodding well go off to Hell.

The pollen those rat bastards bring

(tra la)

Makes my nasal passages zing

(tra la)

So now I have no sense of smell,

Yes, now I have no sense of smell.

So that's what I mean when I say or I sing...

"Oh bugger the flowers that bloom in the Spring...."

Tra la la la la!

Tra la la la la!

Oh, bugger the flowers of Spring!

Yes, indeed. Spring has sprung, and I'm doped up on enough antihistamines to choke a horse. Still, I spent most of this morning sneezing heartily, often on my students. Sorry, guys.

On an unrelated note, I've been in a bit of a Gilbert and Sullivan mood lately. I've been walking around singing that damn 'Tit-Willow' song for the last two days. It's almost certainly the rudest song G&S ever wrote, with the word 'tit' featuring nineteen times (and the word 'dick' featuring once)*. Those dirty nineteenth century composers! Will they ever learn?


For the first time ever, I made a student cry today, and her lesson hadn't even started.

She was rehearsing for the yr 1 play (I'm not sure what it was about, but it seemed to involve endless metres of sparkly material and a wide variety of hats. I assume this rules out the works of David Mamet). At her lesson time, I stuck my head into the room and told her it was time for her lesson. At this point, she attempted to hide behind a length of sparkly material and a hat. Her class teacher finally told her to go to her piano lesson. At that point, she took one look at me, tears brimming in her eyes, and erupted like Mt Vesuvius.

Needless to say, she didn't have her lesson today.

And I'm not that bad. Really.


My sister is in town for one week only (sort of like a travelling caberet, except she won't drape herself across your lap and exhort you to "Try the veal". Well, okay, she will, but only if you ask nicely). And tomorrow, we are going to do one of the things that sisters do best - shop for stuff!

One of the true joys in life is the purchase of pointless crap. And shoes. Mustn't forget the shoes.

*Perhaps you're wondering how I know this. Well, I sat down and counted 'em. I live a small, sad, and petty life. I really do.

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