2004-03-09 at 2:49 p.m.

Oprah vs. ABBA

Last night I had a dream wherein I appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show, butt-naked.

I wonder what inner psychological meanings that has. Knowing my luck, it means that one day I will appear on the Oprah Winfrey show, butt-naked.


Yesterday's recording session didn't go as badly as I'd envisaged. Bec and I managed to borrow a Clavinova from an aquaintance of mine, who sings in the choir I play for every Tuesday night. We managed to load it into a van and haul it out to the recording studio, getting lost only once on the way, which is something of a record.

Upon reaching the studio, we discovered that, for some reason, the entire ceiling of the recording room was mirrored. I sincerely hope this was for sonic reasons. There were also a number of red, boxlike things with holes drilled in them attached to the walls. (They would have passed for art amongst the lower class of modern gallery, but were actually there to absorb excess sound). All in all, it looked a bit like something 'Renovation Rescue' would have done to glam up the back room of a brothel.

The recording process was a bit arduous. It took us three hours to record four-and-a-half minutes worth of music, then another hour to get the right mix (I went home halfway through the mixing process, which was intensely boring). Eventually, Bec had a demo CD she could be proud to call her own.

That is, if anyone can be proud to own a recording of oneself singing an ABBA song.

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