2003-11-07 at 6:00 p.m.


Once again, long time, no updatey.

However, things worthy of an update have occured. I could tell you stories about how I got my butt kicked in a piano competition by 14 year olds. I could tell you about how I dressed up as an angel for Halloween and did an uncanny impression of the Lord of the Rings style elf. I could tell you how I spent the earlier part of my twenty third birthday moaning and clutching my head with the hangover to end 'em all. I could tell you about how I went to an engagement party and was almost struck by an out-of-control firework.

But I won't, because that would simply take too long.

And now, from the 'pointless yet strangely amusing' category-

The World Is MINE! by Demonac
You will conquer:your Home Town (m-hoy, those monkeys are going to pay!).
Your title will be:Headmaster (you read WAY too much Harry Potter)
You will succeed by:Cloning an army of Arnold Schwarzeneggers.
Your Enforcers will be:Shapeshifting Secret Police.
Your first act as ruler:Make smoking a capitol crime (punishable by execution).
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Now that is uncannily accurate. Particularly the bits about Harry Potter and shapeshifting secret police. I don't know about my decree banning smoking, though. What if I want to set someone on fire?

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