2002-08-01 at 9:28 p.m.

'Swans sing before they die- 'twere no bad thing

Should certain persons die before they sing.'

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Well, this has been one heck of a singing week. Everything I've done has, in some way, been involved with singing. For example-

-Went to the Sydney Performing Arts Challenge on the weekend with the choir. We won the Open Chamber Choir and the Open Australian, and qualified for the Open Choir final this coming Sunday.

-A choir from the US is being billeted out here, so we've been entertaining them- showing them around, taking them shopping, and getting them stinking blind drunk.

-Rapidly learning the piano parts for a lieder (or as my friend Bec used to call them, 'posho songs') competition that I was unaware of until two days ago, and which is held next friday.

-Learning two Liszt vocal pieces as part of a sextet (insert your own piece of innuendo here) that will perform at the music festival in 3 weeks.

The sad thing is, I'm not even really a vocalist.

Not a good one, anyway.

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