2003-08-17 at 10:48 a.m.

Clam Sauce

The 'Musicus Ridiculus' concert is four days away, and right now I'm up to my neck in organisational issues. Rehearsal times, programme notes, last minute inclusions and dropouts- it's all a bit stressful. I am feeling a little less stressed after Friday's rehearsal, though. At least a few of the piece are really starting to come together. Phew!

Had something of an epiphany on Friday. I'd been getting pissed off all week because posters for my concert kept vanishing off the walls- clearly, someone was taking them. I was wholeheartedly convinced that this was some childish attempt at sabotage, until someone said to me- "Michelle, they're probably taking them because they want to see the concert, and are using the poster as a reminder". That thought had honestly not occured to me once. The idea that people actually want to see something organised by me is somewhat bemusing, to say the least.


Jordan and I were sitting, eating lunch in the caff. Well, he was eating lunch- some sort of boiled cabbage type concoction with lots of chili sauce- and I was watching him eat it. Conversation turned to one of our other friends, who... well, let's just say he has two clearly defined brains, and thinks almost exclusively with the other one.

"Wow, Pete's been getting a bit of buffet action" Jordan said, referring to the large amount of first-year girls Pete seems to be attracting of late.

"Hmmm. Standing at the buffet, but they're fresh out of clam sauce" I replied.

Jordan looked at me for a moment, his brain registering the implications of this comment, then put his head in his hands. "That is one of the most disgusting things... I can't eat this anymore" he whimpered, pushing his boiled cabbage away. Never, ever, in the history of the world, have I ever seen anyone come up with a comment that made Jordan lose his appetite. Until that day.

It's one of the proudest moments of my life.

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