2002-08-31 at 2:04 p.m.

Imperfect Match

I have discovered the most amusing game in the world-

The Dating Game Online.

Sure, it's trite, lame, and has crashed my computer three times, but you know what? I don't care.

And what's so amusing about this game, you ask? The grotesque carnival of human stupidity and desperation that plays out before your very eyes.

The basic premise is thus- after choosing for yourself a very computer-nerd-designed-piece-of-fantasy-fodder alter-ego (a male computer nerd, no doubt, as the women are far more attractive than the men, and their breasts take up three quarters of the screen), you enter a four player dating game where the host will ask boring, trite, and occasionally, hilariously over-sexual questions, in hopes that one or more of the contestants will use the words 'sex', 'blow', 'lick', or 'fuck me now with your 12" penis, you big stud' in their answers.

The following are screen shots I took from the games I played. I'm sure you'll be able to tell who I am. (Note- while my answers are mildly amusing, some of the 'genuine' answers are completely hilarious.)

I apologise if these links don't work. They're on Geocities, you know. Bastards.

Tell me baby

What do you like the best?

Your favorite...

Make a wish

Help yourself

What you get for a quarter

You, me, Barry White, and...

It became even more fun when I got to ask the questions...



Spontaneous Gaity


I urge you all to go play this game. Join me in my sacred mission of messing with the minds of sex-starved computer geeks!

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