2002-09-03 at 10:54 p.m.

Life Rule no. 472...

Today, I learned Life Rule no. 472-

Not everyone has a sense of humour.

I played in Concert Practise today. Concert Practise is a class where everyone gets together, airs their new pieces, and gets a bit of feedback and constructive criticism.

I played a piece that was technically demanding, entertaining, and required a good knowledge of pianistic technique. There was one problem, however.

It was written by P.D.Q. Bach, aka Peter Schickele, a musical satirist. I played a piece from 'The Short Tempered Clavier- Preludes and Fugues in all Major and Minor Keys except for the Really Hard Ones'.

And my particular piece was based on chopsticks.

A very complicated and demanding version of chopsticks, but chopsticks nonetheless.

And the lecturers weren't too pleased. One of them just sat there staring at me with an expression that could have burnt a hole in the sun, and the other stood up and said-

"Michelle, are you playing this in your recital?"

"Probably. I have to discuss it with a few people".

"Well, I just want you to be sure that you're using this performance time to your advantage".

"Well, I've played this piece in several Con concerts, and I'm playing it this weekend at as a Con representative in Canberra".

"Oh. Okay. Well, um, it was, um, good."

It must be really boring when you can't laugh at your chosen career.

Anyway, guess what I've been up to?

That's right! Playing more Dating Game Online!

And, as before, I have lots and lots of...



 Caught with your best friend

 Very filling...

 You are getting sleepy...

 You, me, peanut butter, and...

 Caught at a stoplight

 Mmmmm... candy...

 The last humans on earth

 My best feature

 Thinking about one thing...

 Tired of dating people who...

 Make me fall for you

Man. I'm addicted to this thing. It's becoming like speed. Without it, I'm pale, shaky and... oh, wait, I'm always pale and shaky. Never mind.

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