2002-09-15 at 12:32 p.m.

A message from the Dawn Of Time

Sorry about the absence of images, everyone. My image server appears to be down. Bugger.

I went to my friend Tamira's birthday party last night. It was a dress-up party, and the theme was 'The Past'.

There were hippies, flappers, eighteenth century ladies, Carmen Sandiago, horrible seventies and eighties clothes, and one person wore their old school uniform.

I went as the Dawn Of Time.

I wore jeans, a black shirt, and a t-shirt which read-





All in all, not a bad party. It was a bit of a laid back affair, with people crashed out all over the lounge room, watching TV and getting noisily drunk.

That is, until the weird eighties movie came on.

I forget what it was called- something like 'Dead On', I think. Very quickly, we discovered that it was pretty much softcore porn, with hideous eighties hair and fashions thrown in. The two main characters- 'Staring in a shocked and overdramatic manner' man and 'I have disproportionately large boobs' lady- had sex...

In a bedroom

In a kitchen (there was even a scene where the lady sensuously caressed the sink faucet)

In a plane toilet

In an art studio

Did I mention this was within the first half hour of the movie? Well, it was.

The movie ended with someone getting killed, but I don't remember who. We were all too busy laughing at the facial contortions of 'Staring in a shocked and overdramatic manner' man and discussing the relative merits of the porn industry.

It's kinda like 'Bang the Drum Slowly'... except the drum's a chick.

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