2002-09-16 at 6:58 p.m.

In which I expound on how little time I have left in the semester, and potentially traumatize everybody.

With only two weeks left of this semester, I've suddenly realised how much work I have to do on my recital. After the holidays, I'll only have four weeks to get everything together. Eep.

The big news at the Con is the upcoming Music Ball, which occurs this Friday night. Such is its importance, that it has become The Music Ball, and I'm sure by the end of the week it will be THE MUSIC BALL!!!, with added stars, finger quotes, and perhaps an emoticon or two :). It should be a lot of fun. Last year's music ball was a lot of fun- well, the bits I can remember were fun. The morning afterwards- that was not fun. No, not fun at all.

So don't expect a very coherant update from me this Saturday.


I have found what I believe to be the most horribly disgusting online quiz ever.

Meat or Accident?

Warning- may traumatize you for life. Don't say you weren't warned.

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