2003-10-05 at 12:19 p.m.

Dpmloia Program

Check out this bit of spam I got today (Spam as in unsolicited email, not Spam the tasty and nutritious mystery meat)-

Create a more psorrepous futrue for youerslf

Recviee a flul diploma form non adccerited univeisitres based upon your rael lfie enpericxee

You will not be tseted, or iniervetwed

Reecive a Mtsaer's, Boclehar's or Dtoocrate

Clal 24 huors a day 7 dyas a week

1 - 2 7 0 - 8 1 7 - 8 2 4 7

Now I ask you- would you be tempted to sign up for a diploma program whose administration are unable to spell 'university'? Or 'Bachelor'? Or 'day'?

This may well be the funniest thing since Puff Daddy.

But then, it's been a slow week.

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