2004-10-07 at 12:29 a.m.

Drunken rantings

I know I've never done an entry comprised solely of my drunken rantings. Well, the time has come! Rejoice, good people, and dance in the streets at the miracle you are now to witness!

I have white and green happy pills (aka antibiotics) which are simutaneously making me get over this goddamn cough and making me get drunk at a phenomenal rate! Nice white and green pills. Happy green and white pills.
I have two friends visiting from Newcastle- Ev and Jordan. Perhaps they'd like to say a few words-


Yes, well hello. I really don't know what to say. I really can't think on my feet, so its good that i am sitting down. I can't really think of anything at the moment, but i will get back to you once i have something interesting to say.


Hello, The world is mine. Remember that. When it is yours, you can tell me what to do. Does this make sense? well? huh? thats hardly the point. And lets think about it for a momnet. Does it have to make sense. prof. D. Hudley once stated that "if i knew what i was talking about i wouldnt be here now trying to understand what i am talking about" so that about somes it all up doesnt it. Dont smoke Crack. on anopther note, depending on where you are veiwing this from, that current state of affairs in America clearly indicates that, if i were a flower, i would pollenate many other flowers in what would appear to be a "logical" sequence. This, of course, contradicts other flowers theory of "whatever goes around, comes around". What the hell? i read you ask. never mind. Just focus on one point. Well the world is mine your death shall be quick and painless. Oh, and one more thing. Old guys sucking each other off is more than "random Shite" it is, in fact, a rather disturbing concept, which, unfortunatly for me, became a disturbing reality approximately 15 minutes ago. Thats right. Old man porn. Old men with old penis with old mouths enjoy the pleasure of more than each others company. Sleep well after reading this. I know i wont.

I should note that Jordan, apon arrival at my house, presented me with a cock ring. I don't know if I should be flattered, worried, or very, very afraid.
As for the old man porn, yes, Evan showed us that one. (I've set it as my desktop as a very unpleasant surprise for Mr Jordan next time he decides to log on to my computer. Mental note- remove before teaching term begins again.

Anyway. Too drunk to sign off properly. So.... bye.

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