2004-10-17 at 4:41 p.m.

I should have learned the Flugelhorn

Remind me never to do an entry based on my own drunken ramblings (and the drunken ramblings of others) again. Also, remind me never to drink wine whilst on antibiotics.

I have recovered from my sinus infection (thanks to those wonderful green and white pills). And just in time to go back to work! Hurrah!

The next three weeks are going to be time-consuming and stressful, to say the least. In a week's time, the local eisteddfod begins, and I will spend the week playing around forty different accompaniments for various kids. Curse whoever decided to add a concerto section! Don't they know how hard orchestral reductions are?

The week after that, I'm accompanying about fifteen different kids in their music exams. All in one day. I'm beginning to think that perhaps I should have learned an instrument that can't be used for accompaniment purposes, or indeed, any other purpose. The bassoon, maybe, or the flugelhorn.

I really, really miss my digital camera. I hope the insurance company comes through within a week or so, so I can document my eisteddfod-related exploits. Or take photos of my neighbours whilst lurking in the bushes. Either way.

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