2004-03-19 at 9:53 p.m.

The Experiment


1. Go to Google and type your first name into the search field.

2. Click the 'Images' tab.

3. Click 'Google Search' button.

4. Select your favourite three images.

And here are they are-

Third Best

Look! I'm a hurricane! And I'm ravaging Cuba! What more could I possibly want?

Second Best

I'm not sure why, but I just love this. Go, you crazy sax playing woman who just happens to share my name! Play that funky music, you sunglasses wearing, tank top adorned woman, you!

Her hair even looks like my hair does first thing in the morning.


Look! It's a lounge! Called Michelle! This is, without doubt, the coolest thing ever! (Though I do wish it wasn't quite so... floral).

I tried the same experiment with the name 'Tamantha' and got far fewer (and exponentially crappier) images. However, I thought this one was kinda cool...

It mentions both caberet entertainment and food, and is done in arty black and white. Plus, it seems to be supporting a charity, or something.

But the best one of all....

That's right, Google managed to find an image I myself created, sourced from my now defunct Web Site. (Ironically, that now defunct website appears to be getting more traffic than it did when I used to update it on a quasi-regular basis).

As for the image itself - how very appropriate.

'Me Lose Brain? Uh Oh!' is proud to be the eighteenth highest search result for 'pointless trivia' - and the second highest search result for 'ginormous boobs'!

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