2003-08-05 at 9:27 a.m.

Fun with Fonts

Spent much of yesterday afternoon making posters for the 'Musicus Ridiculus' concert (while at the same time avoiding doing much work on my thesis). Since it's a humorous concert, I thought it might be nice to go and download some unusual and wacky fonts to make the poster a little more eye catching.

I was both amazed and amused by some of the names designers give to their fonts. Some are clever, some are weird, and some are downright disturbing.

Here are a few favorites-

Big Fart

Ben Witch Project

Copyright Violations

Dead Postman

Disco Duck

Ding Dong Daddyo

Do Not Eat This

Electric Pickle

Exploding Sheep


Fingered Flesh

Famous Fromage


Gorilla Milkshake

Head Surgery

Highway to Heck

It Lives in the Swamp


Jiggery Pokery

Mutant Supermodel

Prime Minister of Canada

Typewriter from hell

There was even a font called 'Porno', which I dearly wanted to use on the poster, simply due to the fact that every man, woman and child who looked at my posters would be inadvertantly looking at porno. (These are the small things that give my life that glow of smug satisfaction). However, it looked terrible, so I was forced to use something else.

The font I chose in the end was called 'Sketchbook'. Boring, huh?

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