2003-07-27 at 5:37 p.m.

Sing, Monkey, Sing!

Idea stolen shamelessly from Marquisdd.

If your life were a movie, what would the title be?

"Sing, Monkey, Sing!"

What songs would be on the soundtrack?

'Agadoo' by Black lace, The theme song to 'Flipper', and forty-five minutes of continuous Mongolian Throat Singing.

Would it be a live-action film or animated? Why?

Live action, but with long and incredibly realistic computer animated sequences of me eating tuna sandwiches.

Casting: who would play you, members of your family, friends, etc?

Me: Amber Benson

Mum: Helen Hunt

Dad: 'Mr Weasley' from Harry Potter II

Sis: Alicia Silverstone, but with bigger boobs

Jordan: A young Mick Molloy

Peter: Jason Biggs

George: Judith Lucy

Kyle: Heath Ledger

Nathan: Sean Hayes

Simon: A libidinous Tobey Macguire

Bec: Jennifer Love Hewitt

Shannon: Kirsten Dunst

Yvie: Alison Hannigan

bundychick: Lisa Kudrow

My piano teacher: Danny Devito

My choir director: Shaun Macallief

The chamber choir: The extras from 'Lord of the Rings'

Topless barman: Orlando Bloom

Kamikaze bus driver: Kevin Spacey

Monkey choreographer: Dame Judi Dench

The old homeless guy: Val Kilmer

The ghost of Marie Antoinette: The Olsen twins

Alberich, the Norse god of water polo and rotary phones: Sidney Poitier

Mozart: A head of cabbage

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