2002-06-30 at 1:53 p.m.

Me Lose Brain? Uh Oh!
Greetings, internet going public.

After having this DiaryLand account sitting around for months and months, I have decided to actually use it. Why? Well, three reasons, really.

1)Because, for some bizarre and inexplicable reason, I think people want to know about the goings on of my hum-drum, mediocre existence.

2) Shameless website promotion. http://www.geocities.com/tamantha . Go there.

3) I have a piano recital in less than two days, and therefore must procrastinate like never before.

Unless you're that guy I saw hiding in my rhodedendron bushes the other night looking at me through night-vision goggles, I'll assume you know absolutely nothing about me. So, for all those of you who are interested in this sort of thing, here's a brief bio.

Name: Michelle

Age: 21

Sex: f

Sex: No, I refuse to make that stupid pun. Go away.

Sex: *Sigh* If I say it, will you leave me alone?

Yes: Fine.

Sex: Yes, please! (Ach... I feel so dirty...)

Occupation: Music student

Lives: Australia

Wears: Clothes

Reads: Books

Eats: Food

Watches: Ungodly amounts of television

So, there you have it! If you want to know more about me, stay tuned in the coming days, weeks, months, however long it takes until I get sick of this thing, and learn all about the glorious wonders of She Who is Called Michelle!

Or just go to my website. http://www.geocities.com/tamantha . And stay tuned for more incessant website pluggings to come!

(Coming soon- competent HTML!)

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