2002-07-02 at 7:32 p.m.

There is nothing to fear but fear itself (and carneys).

Remember that recital I was avoiding in my first entry? Well, I performed it this morning. It's amazing- after 15 years of performing, I'm just as nervous before a performance as I was when I was seven. Same sweaty palms, shaky legs, and tendancy to do the 'Jo Jo the Happy Monkey Child' dance (involves a lot of pacing, jumping up and down, and a dramatic spin or two) Still, the recital went well, and now I'm officially on holidays. Huzzah!

I spent most of yesterday and today listening to friend's recitals- and turning pages for their accompanists, more often than not.

(Speaking of friends, I was a little confused about how to talk about them in this thing. A lot of my friends- well, a few of them- look at my website , and therefore may wind up reading this. Should I use fiendishly clever and highly imaginative aliases (eg. Bob, Bill, Dave) or only use initals? But I then I figured anyone who knows me could work out who I'm talking about anyway, so I'm going to use real names. If you read this, and object to your name being used, Email me and I'll change it. Suggestions for wacky aliases are welcomed, too.)

Since you're all so interested in the nuances of my everyday life, I feel it's my duty to tell you that right now I'm listening to Be not Nobody by Vanessa Carlton. I bought it as a shamelessly self-congratulatory present for myself. It's a nice album, if a little on the pop-y side, but I'm a sucker for any album where the piano has a starring role. God knows what my leisure listening would be like if I played the Euphonium.

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