2003-04-20 at 12:15 p.m.

Happy Easter

So. I graduated on Monday.

Some of you may remember my New Year's Resolution to wear a wacky and amusing costume beneath my graduation robes. Despite all my careful planning, this did not happen, mostly due to the fact that both my parents attended the graduation ceremony, and would have spontaneously imploded from embarassment. Besides, those robes were bulky and unwieldy enough without having to deal with oversized novelty clown shoes. I didn't even get to attach the fluffy dice to my mortarboard. Oh well, there's always next year, when I have to go through it all again.

I'm staying with my for easter. Right now, I'm idly nibbling on a huge bowl of chocolate, which contains shards of what was once a giant easter bunny face. I've been idly nibbling for about five hours now, and pretty soon my sugar levels are going to reach a point where I can see though time and speak Swahili.

Happy Easter, everyone. I'm going to go off and enjoy my cocoa-based buzz for a while.


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