2002-08-25 at 1:35 p.m.

My new musical direction...

On Friday night, I gave what was undoubtedly the most entertaining, best received performance of my life.

On a kazoo.

Yep. Goodbye piano, I've decided to devote my life to becoming the world's first kazoo virtuoso. (I charge $3000 a concert, and must be provided backstage with quality Australian beer, a private massuer, industrial strength kazoo cleaner, and precisely 643 skittles arranged into the shape of a mermaid).

My moment of triumph came during the 'Festival Detox' concert- a cabaret to conclude the Music Festival (and the most inappropriately named concert of the entire festival, considering the amount of in-toxing taking place during the show). Never before did I think that playing Australian soap opera tunes on a kazoo (with my friend Jordan providing piano accompaniment) would win me the admiration and respect of my peers and teachers far more effectively than performing, say, Beethoven or Kabalevsky on the piano. But then, in hindsight, it's all so simple. I should have thought of this years ago! I've wasted my life!

All in all, I'm very glad the music festival is over. I was getting very, very tired of performing every day, and am very glad to return to my regular routine of slacking off and spending countless hours in the uni cafe.

And, just in case you weren't aware of it...

Frodo's my fancy!
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But I'm comfortable with that.

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