2004-05-02 at 3:31 p.m.

Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam

In my younger and more naive days, back when I believed in things, I led an ill-thought-out and completely ineffectual online crusade against email spam. The F.F.F.F.F. (Fighting For a Foward Free Future) was more focussed on the menace of email forwards (you know, the kind with dancing kitten .gifs and badly written poetry, not to mention all those chain letter emails that claim 'THIS IS NOT A HOAX! FORWARD THIS TO 20 PEOPLE, OR YOU WILL DIE!!!!!!!! WTF?????')

I never took on Spamvertisements, though. I figured, even then, that there was no way I'd be having any effect on those.

These days, we have junk mail filters on our email accounts to sort through the crap. Mine is pretty good, but look what it let slip through the cracks and into my inbox the other day -

Subject - Tuba Impresarios of 67

When maestro for cab driver panics, cyprus mulch beyond dust bunny sweeps the floor.Monte, the friend of Monte and gets stinking drunk with for scythe.When mirror for takes a coffee break, espadrille defined by CEO reads a magazine.When ballerina around stalactite is pompous, cream puff around wedding dress bestow great honor upon cough syrup from.ski lodge boogie defined by marzipan.

the platitude balzac effluvium

Personally, I'd quite like to meet the tuba impresarios of 67, possibly while bestowing great honour upon cough syrup, or maybe participating in ski lodge boogie while getting stinking drunk with Monte, the friend of Monte.

Somehow, the senders of this Spamvertisement thought this would inspire me to purchase Valium and Xanax from their fine and completely legal offshore trading company.

Please, take my credit card details, Mr Anonymous Internet Entity. I trust you.

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