2003-01-14 at 10:10 p.m.

Looking into the black heart of evil

Tonight, after much coercion from Natalie, I watched a Meg Ryan movie.

(Yes, I know. I've become everything I hate. No need to rub it in my face.)

However, as the movie- 'Kate and Leopold' - progressed, I made an astounding revelation.

I don't hate Meg Ryan movies.

I hate Meg Ryan.

The plot, such as it was, was quite good. The Space/Time continuum was given a right royal screwing around, which is always a plus in my book (although it didn't go to the lengths of Back to the Future, or *shudder* Back to the Future II). The other actors- in particular, Hugh Jackman- were great (and I'm not just saying that because he's Australian, talented, and gorgeous either). The dialogue was actually quite funny, the music excellent, and the whole concept quite inoffensive even to someone (ie. me) who'd rather claw their own eyes out than read a romance novel.

The one blot on the horizon?

Meg Ryan.

She whined. She complained. She was generally rude, loud and obnoxious, and yet still managed to score the leading man. And anyone who points out that I just described my own character in those last three sentences will be shot. She's also... how should I put this? Well, she's getting a bit old for these sorts of movies now. Come on, admit it. I mean, look at Goldie Hawn! She tried to hold onto 'romantic lead' territory for way longer than she should have, and now she's had so many facelifts, she can blink her lips. (Double points to anyone who can tell me which movie that last line came from).

So, here's what I propose. Don't stop making romantic comedies. Just stop making Meg Ryan romantic comedies. Replace her with one of the younger, up-and-coming actresses, like Kirsten Dunst or Kate Hudson. Or me. I think I could stand getting paid to kiss Hugh Jackman all day long.

From a purely professional standpoint, of course.

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