2003-08-24 at 12:02 p.m.

Mission Accomplished

Well, the concert was a complete success. There was singing, clowning, bad choreography, chickens falling from the ceiling, people voluntarily hitting themselves in the head, shameless displays of alcoholism... all for me, I tells ya! All for me! And much laughter, thankfully. I even got a present for organising and running it- 'The Essential Spike Milligan'.

Now that the concert is over and done, I feel kind of... purposeless, I guess. Well, I have plenty that I should be doing... piano practise, writing my thesis, cleaning my room (I have to jump from bare patch of floor to bare patch of floor, and the bottom layer of my desk can be carbon dated circa 1999). However, getting up the motivation to actually do any of these things... eh. Too much bother.

I can't practise the piano right now anyway, because Jordan has dropped round to use the piano himself. It seems like my house doesn't like Jordan much, it's been systematically attacking him since he got here. All the cornices and wall fixtures seem to have it in for him, and in the last ten minutes, he's been accosted by at least two of them.

That, or he's really clumsy.

I suspect the latter.


Jordan, Jane and I were sitting in the back room, listening to Jordan's endless, self indulgent piano wankery and the wailing of the high winds outside. Suddenly, there came a gigantic, crunching sound from the backyard, followed by a resounding bang.

"Holy crap" I said. "What the hell was that!?

We went into the backyard. There, lying in the middle of the driveway, was the side fence.

"Oh, shit", I said, staring at the colourbond wreckage before me. "The wind blew the fucking fence down!"

And so it had.

We've just left it lying there, sad and sprawling, fence posts akimbo. I'm not looking forward to explaining this one to landlord tomorrow.

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