2003-09-24 at 10:10 a.m.

Slinking back into the building

According to Diaryland, it has been 30 days since I last updated this thing.

Sorry about that.

My friend Jordan (one of the two people who actually read this thing) has been berating me lately to get my arse into gear and actually write something. I'd like to think this was for purely unselfish reasons, but the truth of the matter is he just likes seeing his name up here. So, there you go, Jordan. You have once again graced the internet vicariously with your presence.

So, what have I been doing for the last thirty or so days? Remarkably little, to tell the truth. However, for those of you who are either desperately bored or interested in this sort of thing, here's a brief list of highlights.

-Am still waiting to get my recording of the 'Musicus Ridiculus' concert. It's beginning to piss me off.

-I saw 'Finding Nemo', and my love of Ellen Degeneres was rekindled. Hooray for the wacky lesbians of the world.

-I've eaten tacos for dinner on four consecutive Sunday nights. 'Taco Night' is a newly formed tradition that I and some of my friends have taken on board, and it has proven both entertaining and nutritious. It is not without it's dangers, however, as last Sunday I managed to cut a chunk out of my knuckle while grating cheese and was unable to play the piano for a couple of days. Ouch.

-I have stood in the fresh produce section of the local supermarket, proclaiming 'MASTURBATION!' to all who would listen while my friends hid in shame behind the artichokes.

-Have written two chapters of my thesis.

-Have drunk a lot of very, very cheap wine.

And that's about it.

Hopefully, it won't be another month before my next update.


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