2003-05-19 at 8:20 p.m.

Because nothing is more fun than another big list of pointless trivia

After yesterday's entry, Mr Geofortean got a bit snarky about me stealing his idea. In retaliation, and to prove he's just that little bit better than me, he wrote another entry, this time entitled- I know even more bugger all about you.

Well, Mr Smartyman, I have another list! Whatcha gonna do now? Huh? Huh, smarty?



I am right handed.

I learned the clarinet for six years, and have successfully avoided playing it for another four.

My favorite beer is Stella, but I usually drink Tooheys New.

The longest I have been without sleep is 46 hours.

I am unable to stand still when cleaning my teeth. I have to wander around the house, looking for things I may have forgotten to do.

I think the word 'moose' is funny.

The CD currently in my CD player is 'Poulenc's Concerto for Two Pianos'.(My friend Jordan and I are playing this piece for our recitals at the end of the year).

I have a very faint scar on my left elbow, from falling off a skateboard when I was ten.(It was my first, and last, time on a skateboard).

My first word was 'duck'.

I have eaten McDonalds in five countries. This is not something I'm particularly proud of.

I played 'Factory Worker No. 2' in our high school production of Les Miserables.

I used to know all the words to 'Baby Got Back'. Sadly, I have forgotten the last verse.

I have a lava lamp on my bedside table, but am unable to switch it on because I've run out of power points.

I love storms.

My favorite season is autumn. Late autumn, to be precise.

My favorite book as a child was a Little Golden Book called 'The Very Best Home for Me'.

I nibble on the ends of my hair when I'm nervous.

I am currently wearing a fluorescent pink jacket.

I have been to a Tupperware party. It was unspeakably boring.

I have looked at pornography online.

I taught my sister how to write her name.

I have a vast collection of strange and unusual hats.

I look terrible in sunglasses of any sort.

I used to want to be Penny from 'Inspector Gadget'. I think it was the cool pigtails that won me over. Oh, and the computer book.

I used to own the 'Fraggle Rock' board game.

My sister bought me a big pair of Mickey Mouse hands back from the USA. I have absolutely no idea what to do with them. Ideas, anyone?

On my computer desk, apart from my computer, I have- a Cartman doll, a Goofy doll, a plastic lizard, a bear-shaped lolly recepticle that says 'Bear With Me', the toy from a Christmas cracker, a safety pin, a very gay looking 'road worker' figurine, a page from an old TV guide, a fedora hat, a lighter, several Harry Potter stickers, and the boarding pass from a flight to Kuala Lampur that I took over a year ago, and which I have since been using as a bookmark.

I wear 'Aqua' perfume.

I once went three days without bathing when our shower broke down. No one noticed.

If I ever get a cat, I will call it Mr Bigglesworth. Even if it's a she.

I asked for a Pianosaurus (a toy piano) for my 21st birthday.

The movie 'Gremlins' gives me the creeps.

I used to adore the cartoon series 'She-ra'. My friend Bec and I used to play at being She-ra in our backyards at home, and she always made me be the horse. I am still bitter about this.

Every time I wear my red boots, someone will inevitably say 'Hey! Nice boots!

I have cried once in four years (when my pet rat Chai died).

I have never drunk a martini.

Old people trust me for some reason. Suckers.

I think Kenneth Branaugh is the best actor of this generation.

I would like to learn how to fence/swordfight.

I know the answer to this riddle-

What comes next?

O T T F F S S ?

Do you?

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