2003-05-18 at 2:36 p.m.

Because nothing is more fun than a big list of pointless trivia

Have been reading Geofortean's diary of late, and was particularly taken with his most recent entry, 'I know bugger-all about you', which outlines everything from his taste in coffee to the odd things he can do with Happy Meal toys.

So now, I'm going to do you all the same service, by creating a bit list of pointless trivia about me. Some of this you may know. Some you may not. But it will all probably put you to sleep.


I can't play chess.

I six pairs of jeans. Four of them actually fit me.

My earliest memory is of me on a beach holiday with my family, and getting very tiny shell wedged firmly up my nose.

I am currently writing my Honours thesis on 'Comedy in Music'. Or, to put it another way, I am currently avoiding writing my Honours thesis on 'Comedy in Music' by doing this, instead.

I have sung in Westminster Abbey, St Paul's Cathedral, and Notre Dame Cathedral. I was hung over on at least one of these occasions.

I have an unhealthy addiction to Diet Coke.

I think Irish accents are great.

Whenever I come across a poem I really like, I type it up, print it out, and stick it on the wall next to my bedroom mirror.

My hair is naturally blonde, but in the past, I've dyed it black, blue, red, pink, and purple.

I drink at least two cups of tea a day. I almost never drink coffee.

I got pissed at Lady Mary Archer's house (wife of author Jeffry Archer) as part of a choir tour. I also reverently stared at her Monet painting of the Thames, then touched it surreptitiously on the canvas. Come on, when was I going to have the chance to do that again?

Most of my best friends are male.

I broke my left arm rollerskating when I was eight. I landed on it in such a way that my entire arm was twisted in the centre, and had to have the arm strapped to my chest for six weeks, and then in a sling for another four.

I sprained my right arm a year later, when my sister Clare fell on it.

I can't drive.

I once wrote a play about a drunken, disorderly angel who comes down to earth to help a guy with his romantic dilemmas. It was terrible.

I continue to wear my old Doc Martens, even though they are full of holes and the sole of the left one has worn through.

Drinking vodka gives me muscular pains in my shoulders.

The worst place I ever threw up was in the Chapel of a Uniting Church in Brisbane, closely seconded by a bin in the main area of Central Train Station in Sydney.

My star sign is Scorpio.

My favorite coffee mug is blue with a design of dancing yellow frogs on it. I was given it by my friend Bec for my seventeenth birthday.

I was nicknamed 'Dictionary' in primary school, after an incident in which the teacher asked what I thought a word meant. I defined it, word for word, in the same way as the Macquarie Dictionary, without seeing the dictionary entry first.

My parents gave me a music set on the day my sister was born, that contained all sorts of whistles, slides, and kazoos. My parents regretted it shortly afterwards.

As a child, I once talked so much during a cave tour that the tour guide said he wanted to give me a 'chocolate coated hand grenade'.

The night before the fifth Harry Potter book comes out, I plan to hold a candlelit vigil outside a bookstore until the shop opens in the morning.

The two songs I want played at my funeral are 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life' and 'Agadoo'.

I've bitten my nails since I was seven.

I have never been able to program a VCR properly.

I can tap dance.

I enjoy watching other people play computer games, but don't like playing them myself.

My name means 'Who is like the Lord', which leaves me with more than a few worries about the nature of God.

I prefer red wine to white.

I prefer silver jewellery to gold.

I prefer wearing pants to skirts.

I own 27 men's ties.

Kate Hudson really annoys me for some reason.

If I could invite any 10 people, living or dead, to a dinner party, I would invite- Jesus, Shakespeare, Victor Borge, Mozart, John Cleese, Amelia Lanyer, J.K. Rowling, Matt Groening, the Dalai Lama, and Robin Williams. I think that combination would make for some interesting dinner party conversation.

I once met Rolf Harris.

I can click my fingers, but only on my right hand.

I have a mild fear of heights.

My doona cover is bright pink.

'Dead Poet's Society' is my favorite non-comedic movie.

I have a pierced tongue.

I once wanted to be a psychologist.

I can't stand olives or anchovies on pizza.

My favorite word is 'Defenestrate', which means 'To throw someone out a window'.

I am unable to walk into a bookshop without buying something.

My favorite colour is purple.

I once made an award winning diorama for a library contest.

I wear size 10 shoes.

I'm a big believer in the saying 'Just because nobody understands you, it doesn't mean you're an artist'.

My favorite choclates are the strawberry centres. Ooh, and the orange ones.

Not a day goes by where I don't quote The Simpsons at someone.

Whenever I use a fake name, I call myself Julie Richards.

I keep the broken leg off a piano stool under my bed, to (theoretically) bludgeon any intruders that break into the house. I call it my 'bash burglars stick'.

I've never eaten escargot.

My year 3 teacher called me 'Griffo'. Sometimes, I kinda wish other people would call me that. Then I get over it.

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