2003-10-18 at 3:06 p.m.

Hallelujah! We Have No Bananas

Today's fun fact is as follows-

The publisher Novello, which owns the rights to Handel's 'Messiah', successfully sued the creators of the song 'Yes, We Have No Bananas' because it sounds too much like the Hallelujah Chorus.

This is the kind of silly fact that makes me day. It's also the kind of silly fact that gets stuck firmly in my mind, and causes me to come up with very silly ideas that, unfortunately, I can't help but carry out.

Shortly after I learned the above piece of information, I was rifling through my sheet music in an attempt to find the scores of both pieces. (Yes, I do own a copy of the sheet music to 'Yes, We Have No Bananas'. Did you ever doubt as much?) I then sat down at the piano and played through them both in an effort to see how justified Novello was in taking that rather amusing piece of litigious action.

Not very, as it turns out. But there's just enough there to make you think. Or, in my case, think and then take it yet another step further.

That's why, yesterday afternoon, I was to be found in the Conservatorium computer lab, arranging a piece entitled 'Hallelujah! We Have No Bananas', which is pretty much what it sounds like- an unholy union between the two pieces. At best, it's tasteless beyond belief, and at worst, it's the sort of thing that gets one dropped down another circle of hell. According to Dante, I'm now probably in Circle 8, where dwell the 'Sowers of Discord' (well, 'dischord' in this case). Because of this, I will be rewarded with eternal woundings and injuries for all eternity. I'd much rather end up in the third circle with the 'Lustful'- they're buffeted by gale force winds for all eternity, instead.

At least they're still getting blown.

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