2002-07-15 at 2:34 p.m.

No music and no alcohol make Michelle something something...

I spent this weekend at the most non-alcoholic 21st birthday party ever. In that there was no alcohol. At all. We even brought a couple of bottles of wine with us, but were told that they didn't own a corkscrew.

There is something deeply, disturbingly wrong about that.

So there I was, annoyingly sober, and surrounded by my friend Pete's relatives, friends, and Nun ex-piano teachers, none of whom I knew. All my other friends who came there with me were looking equally confused, especially George, who looked like she would have killed every person there for a drink.

They didn't even have any music playing. Just football on TV in the background. Argh.

Which isn't to say it wasn't an okay party, despite all that. The food was fantastic (in that it was there, free, and not jam on toast) and seeing Pete's face light up when he opened his Count Dooku lightsabre was something special.

Yes, he is 21. Yes, it is worrying.

We crashed in Pete's living room overnight, and the next day we had to go to church (Pete's an organist, so he has to play at church services and such. Hoorah.) Now I'm not really a big churchgoer (in that I'm not actually a churchgoer at all) but of the few services I've been to, this would definitely be one of the most mind numbingly boring I've ever been to. Then we pretty much just packed up, and did the six hour drive home.

What a gripping saga of boredom, sobriety, and repeated blows from a plastic battery operated lightsabre!

On the upside, though I have an unopened bottle of wine in my bag which I intend to crack open tonight while watching Buffy. Huzzah!

Since I was bored today, I've been amusing myself by doing pointless quizzes. I've discovered that I am-

Take the What High School

Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.


Your magical style is Priestess.

What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox

Just call me the High Priestess of Geekiness!

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