2002-07-12 at 8:44 p.m.

I think his name is Mother Shabooboo now...

Well, my time in Bathurst was certainly interesting, to say the least. Here are a few of the things that happened to me during the week-

-Had hair personally groomed by cockatiel (mmm... elephant fresh)

-Saw 3 movies in 3 days (the only decent entertainment in Bathurst is the cinema- oh, and watching idiots in hotted up Toranas trying in vain to pick up)

-Had coffee with friend I haven't seen for seven years

- Drank frozen margarita mix that went out of date two years ago

-Discovered that drinking regular coke as opposed to diet coke makes me violently ill for some reason

-Found out one of my best friends from high school is getting a sex change.

Really. I'm not kidding.

She dropped this particular bombshell on me while giving me a lift into Sydney. The odd thing is, I'm not too weirded out about it at all. She was always pretty butch anyway, and she's never really been a typical girl in any way. Still, living the rest of your life as a man- it's a pretty drastic (and expensive) step.

And some people think I'm weird.

Anyway, it was good to get back to the old home town for a week, even though it was fucking freezing, but apart from the oh dear God how did I survive 18 years in such fucking freezing weather, it was a good week.

Random fact of the day- It is physically impossible to put your elbow in your ear.

Completely gratuitious plug of the day- Michelle's Lounge, a wonderfully offbeat and consistently hilarious website that is in no way affiliated with this author. Really.

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