2003-03-27 at 8:10 p.m.

Sing Ho! for the iceberg lettuce

Today was my friend April's birthday.

April was one of my first university friends. Many were the times that we chatted our way through various classes, procrastinated in the uni cafe, and started Seagull Wars� at the beach with the reckless and irresponsible flinging of hot chips.

She's also completely responisble for my love of the word 'spiffy'.

Sadly, we don't see each other as much anymore. She has a lot of classes at another campus, and whenever our paths cross, we're usually too busy to even say hi, let alone have a conversation.

Anyway, it was her birthday today. So we went out for a spot of lunch.

About halfway through our respective meals, April mentioned her creative writing class. At the moment, they're all writing poetry.

"I think I'd just spend my entire time in that class writing stupid poems like... um..." I looked down at my plate... "'Sing Ho! for the iceberg lettuce' or something", I said.

"What was that?"

"'Sing Ho! for the iceberg lettuce'".


Twenty minutes later we sat back, proudly admiring our literary masterwork.

And here it is.

Sing Ho! For the iceberg lettuce

Sing Ho! for the iceberg lettuce!

It's crispy and leafy and green.

On the side of your plate,

It looks really great-

In fact, the best lettuce I've seen.


Sing Ho! for the purple cabbage!

Sing Ho! for its stripey-ness!

You cut it up small

To go in coleslaw

And tastes really good, I'll confess.


Sing Ho! for the awesome radish!

It's bitter, it's red, and it's tart.

You can make radish flowers

That take many hours

Which really are great works of art.


Sing Ho! for the knobbly ginger!

It looks quite bizarre, I'm aware.

But then, when you grate it

(You just can't debate it)

In drinks, nothing else can compare.


Sing Ho! for the mythical aubergine!

(I've got no idea what it is).

Vegetarians like it

On kebabs they do spike it

And drop it in drinks for the fizz.


Sing Ho! for the ripe avocado!

If you let it go off, it goes brown.

It turns yucky and slimy

(And quite hard to rhyme-y)

And it's hard just to swallow it down.


Sing Ho! for the sundried tomato!

The favorite of resturants abroad.

There are those who dispute

That it's really a fruit-

To that argument, we've gotten bored.


Sing Ho! for the leafy bok choi!

You'll find it in food that's Chinese,

And often in stir fry

Made by some chef guy

And it's never a failure to please.


So now we've Sung Ho! for the salad

But the food that I eat in its stead

Is far less expensive

With a range that's extensive-

Sing Ho! for a nice loaf of bread!


I've since discovered that an aubergine is a type of eggplant, so I'm not sure it would taste so great in a drink. (Then again, you never know with those wacky vegetarians!)

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