2002-11-14 at 9:11 p.m.

The Pact

Pact-(p�kt) n. 1. A formal agreement, such as one between nations; a treaty. 2. A compact; a bargain.

I don't remember which one of us proposed it.

Jordan, Mel, Yvie and I were sitting in the pub at 2am. We were all pretty drunk, and the conversation had turned into the inevitable diatribe about relationships, past and future. Yvie and Mel had long ago given up trying to follow the conversation Jordan and I were having, which was full of drunken logic, littered with in-jokes and Simpsons references, and very slurred.

I don't know if it was Jordan, or myself, who spoke up then-

"Let's make a pact. If neither of us are married by the age of 35, we'll marry each other. Agreed?"


Let that be a lesson to all of you. If you're ever out drinking, and one of your friends begins a sentence with "Let's make a pact", you might want to be a bit careful of what you get yourself into.

So, if both Jordan and I are still single in a little over 14 years (and in my case, that's pretty probable), we're getting hitched a la 'My Best Friend's Wedding'. Of course, we could just cancel the pact, but I am of the belief that I should always do sober what I said I'd do drunk. It's the only way I'll learn. (Not that that theory's been working too well for me lately, of course. But at least it's entertaining for the unwitting spectators).

The wedding is set for September 12th, 2017. You're all invited. BYO kelp dip.

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