2003-03-02 at 11:18 a.m.

Tied Up

People don't know what to make of a girl in a tie.

Perhaps I've mentioned this before, but I collect men's neckties. Hey, everyone needs a hobby.

I've got about 26 of the things now, and normally they form a rather unusual wall display in my bedroom. Occasionally, however, I'll wear one out to a party. Firstly, because I like to, and secondly, because the reactions of others around me are so damn hilarious.

Last night, I wore a tie to Jordan's housewarming party. On my way there, I received-

-countless confused/wary stares

-three 'why are you wearing that?'s

-two requests as to the nature of my sexuality

-a question about where I worked (I assume they thought the tie was part of a uniform of some sort)

-a posse of drunken males screaming from an overhead balcony, in the intellectual manner of drunken males screaming from an overhead balcony- 'Hey! Black tie, baby! Woo! Yeah!'

(I didn't bother to point out that my tie was actually red).

-Thankfully, no references to Avril Lavigne.

So, what the hell is it about a strip of material tied around the neck that evokes such strong reactions in people?

Buggered if I know.

Tune in next week for- 'Michelle wears some sort of outrageous hat!'

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