2003-05-04 at 8:57 p.m.

Vodka Suicide

I was given the recipe for this, the most brutal and unforgiving of shots, last week at the pub. Such was my admiration for this recipe, that I've decided to share it with you, my loyal readers.

Beware! This beverage is only for the toughest of the tough. If you've ever professed to enjoying that Archers bottled schnapps crap, then hang your head in shame, and read no further.

Vodka Suicide




Lemon Wedge

Drinking straw

Step one- Draw line of salt on tabletop. Inhale it through nose using drinking straw.

Step two- Take healthy swig of vodka.

Step three- Take lemon wedge, and ram firmly into left eye.

Step four- Repeat ad infinitum.

Separates the men from the insane raving psychotics, doesn't it?

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