2002-10-08 at 7:13 p.m.

God. Dammit.

My wallet and mobile phone were both stolen today.

I was practising piano at University House, and left the room for two minutes to go to the bathroom.

Half an hour later, when my practise was over, I noticed that my wallet and phone were both gone.

God. Dammit. Exactly what I need right now.

So, most of the day has been spent filing reports with Uni Security and the police, talking to the bank, and ringing my phone company and a lot of card distributors and getting things cut off and renewed.

I think I know who did it, too. There were a couple of teenage boys hanging around the Conservatorium looking suspicious. The library and cafe staff both noticed them, but not until it was too late, consarn it.

Well, they would have gotten away with the princely sum of $1, which is all I had in my wallet at the time. Hope they enjoyed the 0.75 of a can of coke it bought them.

Oh, and don't worry. There will be kittens soon.

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