2004-07-21 at 6:11 p.m.

So, where have I been?

Perhaps you'll all be wanting an apology from me for my complete lack of entries over the last month and a half. Ha! Not likely. I've been very busy doing important things. Very important things. Things, in fact, so world-alteringly important that petty considerations, such as paying my rent and updating this website, must fall by the wayside.

Actually, I've spent most of my time puttering around my unit and conversing at length with inanimate objects, but at least I now know that my jaffle iron has a morbid fear of heights.

Besides- if, via this diary, you've decided to live vicariously through me, then you need the kind of help that can only be given by a qualified psychiatric practitioner.

However, in the interest of keeping everyone updated with the petty, uninteresting details of my life, here is what I have been up to in my lengthy absence-

-I visited my alma mater in Newcastle to see my friend Jordan perform his final Honours recital, and drink beverages of a fairly lethal persuasion. I learned that I am capable of walking, while drunk, in spectacularly high stiletto heels. This was something of a revelation for me, as I sometimes have difficulty remaining upright while barefoot.

-Upon my return home, I was visited by my friend Nath and his boyfriend Adrian, who hail from Melbourne. They're both musical theatre enthusiasts, and proceeded to ply me with recordings of particularly inappropriate but hilarious broadway musicals. We also spent much time discussing the merits of regular exofoliation, and buying books we couldn't afford.

-Shortly after this, I was visited by Jordan and another Newcastle friend, Evan. We spent much of our time drinking, watching 'Spaceballs', discussing Dante, and driving around and around the local racetrack.

-Rehearsals for Annie have continued. Things are starting to come together a little, though I am sick of directors assuming I have this miraculous gift for clairvoyance, and then getting huffy when I explain that I have absolutely no idea where in the show we're starting from. Also, I am sick of playing things in the key of G flat. Why the hell would anyone willingly write something in the key of G flat? Why? Why, God, why?

-I have picked up another half day's teaching at the private school where I teach piano. I am very glad of this, as my financial situation at the moment could be described as 'dire'.

-I saw Shrek 2.

And that about brings you up to date. Are you happy now, people? Are you all happy now?!


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