2003-06-28 at 11:45 a.m.

A date of significance

It occurs to me, as the day of my mid-year recital draws ever closer, that I have done remarkably little ranting, raving, and making panicked wibbling noises about it here.

So, just to get it out of the way...

"Argh I'm screwed I'm so screwed why did I take up the piano in the first place I should have been an accountant despite the fact that I can't count higher than four oh God save me now... wibble...

And now, for your entertainment and enlightenment, here's the email I sent out promoting said recital.

People have been coming up to me and asking if they can have their steak knives and Eternal Salvation now. I wish people would read the fine print.

As well as being the date of my recital, the 30th of June holds another special significance. Guess what it is. Just guess.

No, not that. And I was cleared of all charges, thank you very much.

It's the One Year Anniversary of this diary!

And to celebrate, I intend to get shockingly, mind-numbingly drunk. I invite you all to do the same, wherever you are.

Carpe Vino.

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