2003-06-29 at 9:27 p.m.


I'm trying my best not to think about tomorrow's recital. Trying, and failing.

In a fruitless bid to avoid thinking about it, however, I have been doing what most people do when they feel like avoiding thinking about things- tooling around the internet doing pointless quizzes.

On that note, you should all know that I am...

[take the test] - [by krystaljungle.com]

Hula Hoop

This quiz says absolutely nothing about your personality. Take it!

If I were a Tetris block, I would be a L-Shaped Tetris Block!

I am flexible, creative and innovative. I can be used in a variety of ways, for many different purposes; I'm probably bisexual, or at least I sleep around a lot.

Use me right, and I will make your world a better place.

Analyse your personality in Tetris Blocks!

What Sort of Hat Are You? I am a Hood.I am a Hood.

I'm a dark horse, mysterious and sinister. People are never quite sure what to think of me, but at least I make them think. What Sort of Hat Are You?

Which Middle Earth race are you? go to:the quiz!

I am a fridge!

what kitchen utensil are YOU?

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