2002-10-31 at 6:40 p.m.

Wounds for a Timeless Place

A new art display was unveiled in the Concert Hall foyer yesterday.

We've been watching the display slowly take shape over the last week or so. It's a series of geometric wood sculpture/painting type works, which are meant to represent 'the expression of the artist's concept of sexuality' or something similar. I was a bit confused as to how a bunch of planks nailed together into geometric patterns was indicative of homosexuality, until I noticed the background images on a work called 'Consenting'. Then it all made sense.

My friend Jordan had noticed the new artworks. And after his chamber music assessment- high on adrenalin, caffiene, and self-satisfaction- he decided he would contribute his artistic sensibilities to the newly installed foyer display.

Firstly, he took a piece of paper which had been previously employed to wrap up someone's egg sandwich. It was quite aesthetically crumpled, and had a few interesting mustard stains on it here and there.

Then, he hung it on the wall.

While everyone was laughing, I quickly ran upstairs to the computer lab and printed off the following display card-

Jordan ----

'Wounds for a Timeless Place'

Paper, mustard, slight smearings of egg


Jordan cut it out, stole one of the display cards from another artwork, added his own card to it, and stuck it on the wall under the sandwich wrapper.

We left it there, hanging proudly on the wall, and wondered how long it would remain.

It turned out that the geniune artist showed up that day, to inspect the hanging of his work prior to the unveiling. Apparently, he had a good look at 'Wounds for a Timeless Place'. He also wondered what had happened to his display card.

The jig was up a little later, when the concert hall manager, Mr Sketchley, noticed 'Wounds for a Timeless Place'. From what I hear, he laughed for a long, long time, and showed it to anyone who would look. Then he took it down and threw it away.


Some people just don't appreciate art.


It's Halloween today. Unlike the US, Halloween is a day which has never really taken off in Australia. Why not, I'm not sure. I mean, all the elements are there. Costumes. Vandalism. And sweet, sweet candy. My kinda holiday.

I never used to trick or treat as a kid, but some of my neighbours did. Every Halloween, they'd show up at our door, having made some perfunctory attempt at a costume (a witches' hat or some green facepaint, usually). "Trick or Treat!" they'd chorus, greed shining in their little eyes.

We always gave them almonds. We didn't like almonds much.


In other news, tomorrow is my birthday! Woo and Yay!

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