2002-11-22 at 9:04 p.m.

Weird-ass Spam, Part Deux

Regular readers of this journal (ha!) may remember my adventures a couple of weeks ago with an email spammer who wished to travel through time.

Unfortunately, it would appear that he was not a lone nut.

Today I got the following message in a spam advertisement for pop-up eradicating software-


From :"alden dameron"

To :[email protected]

CC :[email protected], [email protected]

Subject :New Release: Selective PopUp - Adriene's message

Date :Thu, 21 Nov 2002 20:51:48 -0800

"l'_Abraham-Lincoln_ atteignait une vitesse moyenne de dix-huit milles"


My curiosity piqued, I ran the sentence through a language translator, and got-

"the _Abraham-Lincoln _ reached a mean velocity of eighteen miles"

Huh? Who or what is the Abraham-Lincoln? An ex-president? A boat? A car? A really slow plane? A top secret CIA weapon?

And who is Adriene? What is she trying to tell me with her cryptic message? Am I in danger? Is my family in danger? Is the world in danger? Is this a strange new form of subliminal advertising? Alien communication? French alien communication? Are the French just aliens in disguse? (It would explain a few things).

And why me? Why did I receive this bizarre communication? Am I perfectly placed to act on this information? (Doubtful, since I have absolutely no idea what it means). Am I accidentally intercepting goverment messages? Have I finally gone crazy and begun seeing nonsensical messages in French for no good reason?

I'm living in a cuckoo clock.

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