2002-09-23 at 10:08 a.m.

Fancy yourself as an angel now, do ya?

The Masterclass on Friday went surprisingly well, considering. Piers Lane was a damn nice guy, and really knew what he was talking about. Although, there were moments when he told me to do the exact opposite of something my teacher (who was sitting in the audience) had told me to do. Eh. I'll figure it out later.

************THE MUSIC BALL********** also went well. I'd spent all week winding people up about what I was wearing, so none of them were really surprised when I showed up dressed as an Angel. Big white pouffy dress, wings and all. One of my friends sneered-

"Oh! Fancy yourself as an angel now, do ya?"

I replied-

"Nope. I'm just really, really fond of irony".

I also got sick of people asking me all night- "Is that a wedding dress?" or "Is that a Debutante Ball dress?" Look, I don't know! It's just a big pouffy white dress! Leave me alone!

The evening was good. Large quantities of alcohol were imbibed (though not by me, so I stayed relatively sober), early nineties music was danced to, overpriced meals were eaten, and excessive amounts of photos were taken.

Good times.

Saw the Austin Powers III movie last night. (Due to the rotation of the earth, the cosmic alignment of Neptune, and the aftermath of the Crusades, Australia releases movies to cinemas long after they've been released, pulled, sent to video, and relegated to the 'oldies' pile in every other country.) I liked it. It had its moments. But where was the 'walking naked behind strategically placed objects' scene? And where the heck was Mustafa? A Powers movie just isn't a Powers movie without Mustafa, dang it!


Paul Mathis wants you to Drive Him Insane. Turn his lamps on and off, activate his sprinkler system, and make him listen to the Hamsterdance. I'm actually chatting with him in IRC at the moment. Nice guy. Now go mess with his head.

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