2002-09-19 at 7:55 p.m.


Yesterday, walking towards the practise rooms, I was ambushed by Jordan.

"Hey, Michelle, did you know you're playing for Piers Lane's Masterclass on Friday?" (Piers Lane is one of Australia's best concert pianists).

"Uh. No."

Waves of molten panic began to flood my spine.

I decided to go see/yell loudly at my teacher. I got into the lift, and the first thing I saw was a notice-

Piers Lane- Friday Masterclass


Michelle Griffin

Jordan ----

Greg -----

Did I mention Jordan and Greg are two of the best pianists at the Con? Well, they are. And I have to play in the same session.

I was going to murder my teacher.

Finally, after much panicked searching, I tracked him down and asked him about it.

"Oh yeah, I signed you up for that a few weeks ago. I forgot to tell you. Sorry about that."


"What am I gonna play?"

"How about the first movement of the Beethoven?"

"Trust me. You DON'T want me to play that. Seriously. How about the first movement of the Ravel Sonatine?"

"Fine. Bring it to me tomorrow."

I then locked myself in a practise room and performed a nice long session of Panic Practise.

This morning, I dragged my arse out of bed prepared for the worst. I sat down at my lesson, took a deep breath, and played the first movement of the Ravel.

My teacher sat there in silence for a few moments after I stopped.

Crap. Crap. Crap.

"Michelle... that's really very good."


So, I'm not as doomed as I thought I was. I'm still bloody nervous, though. It feels like there's a lump of lead slowly turning molten in my stomach- but then, that may have something to do with the three pencils I consumed this evening out of nervousness.

Meanwhile, ********THE CON BALL!!!!!!******** (as it is now known) is on tomorrow night. I've been refusing to tell anyone what I'm wearing, just to get them intrigued.


Okay, how many of you caught the witty musical pun I used in the title of this entry? None of you? Oh well. Now, how many of you want me to apologise for using such a crappy pun in the first place? All of you? Fine then. Sorry.

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