2003-01-21 at 10:41 p.m.

You'll never clean my dirty mind

Yesterday, I was having lunch with my friends, April and Jess, and assorted members of April's family. Conversation had turned to questioning Jess about her new boyfriend, Matt.

"Does he like sport?" one of April's sisters asked.

"Yes, he does" Jess replied.

"So..." April's sister continued, "Does he like to do it, or does he like to watch, or does he like you to watch him do it, or do you join in?"

I tried (and failed) to conceal the look on my face.

"Michelle! I was talking about sport, you idiot!"

"I know! It's just... well... I'm going to put my head down on the table now. I'll be back with you in a minute or two."

"You have a dirty, dirty mind".

"Ya think?"


I've spent the last two days hanging out with Jess, April and Craig. It's been a really good couple of days- not because they were phenomenally exciting, but because they were the complete opposite of phenomenally exciting. Just a couple of nice, relaxing days of the type you look back on when stressed, and say "Hey! April! Do you remember when..."

We did a bit of shopping yesterday. April picked up her photos from the night of my recital, which include a rather fantastic one of me leaping around like a complete toob in front of the camera, and which also affords a rather good look at my gut hanging over the waistband of my skirt.

'Is it a bird?'

'Is it a plane?'

'Nah, it's just some chick making a complete dick out of herself'.


Last night we went out to dinner at Mama'Mex, a rather interesting resturant which teams Italian and Mexican food with large fibreglass cactuses and burnt orange interior decoration. I ate lasagna. It was delicious.

Back at April's house, I forced everyone to sit down and watch several hours of Late Show sketches. Craig's comment, halfway through, was-

"I am so going to buy this tomorrow".

"I thought you were broke!"

"Not that broke".

Today, we all decided to go bushwalking. So we all hopped in Jess' new 4x4, and drove out to Watagans National Park. We had a delicious barbeque lunch courtesty of Craig's portable gas grill, made friends with a couple of Kookaburras, a couple of black cockatoos who did perfect imitations of trailbike noises, and a bloody huge goanna who I dubbed 'Alvin' (Craig- "Because he used to be a chipmunk?" Me- "No- although he may have eaten one at some point". Craig- "Oh"), and lazed about in the shade for several hours. Later in the afternoon, we went for a short bushwalk along the river.

When we got back to the city, we decided to wash off all that bushwalking sweat by going to the beach. So we went for a swim at the Ocean Baths, bought hot chips and scallops for dinner, then sat and watched an electrical storm roll in over the ocean.

It's been a good day.

And now I'm exhausted.

So, if you don't mind, I shall retire to my boudoir for some much needed zzzzs. Goodnight.

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