2003-07-09 at 4:35 p.m.

Hail to thee, oh Mammon

What does one do when one is stuck in a small town for the holidays, with a father at work and a sister on work experience?

Why, she bows down at the Great Altar of Mammon, and goes shopping with her mother.

The expedition yielded unto me-

A pink silk jacket with a dragon embroidered on the back

A pair of blue pants with a mermaid embroidered on the right leg

A purple top (with some sort of embroidery on it, I'm sure)

A long sleeved T-shirt in brown and blue bearing a picture of a squirrel and the slogan 'Nutter'

A black lace top

A pair of black and white striped socks

A red handbag

A copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carrol

And, most importantly...

A brand spankin-new pair of Doc Martens!

Hooray! *Does happydance of New Docs. Starts wincing when the tough leather starts biting into left heel*

I adore my mother with the fiery burning passion of one hundred thousand suns. (And I don't mind the good people at Mastercard right now, either).

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