2003-07-08 at 5:39 p.m.

One Week

I know it's been a while since I've updated here, so to save us all some time, I will now summarise the last week using unconnected words and phrases. Make of them what you will.


Fairly shite, to be quite honest.

Relieved. Then drunk.

Flowers. Pretty.

One year. Forgot. Whoops.

Several friendly but stern lectures.

Strawberry Martinis are really quite tasty. Particularly when followed by some sort of hideously cheap cask wine.

Caveat emptor.


'Jordan, I don't think the cat likes being held up by the scruff of the neck'. 'Of course she does!'

Bassoon. Heh. Bassoon.

Walking through the freezing cold at midnight for the distinct honour of drinking extremely cheap wine. Certain people owe me big time.

Could we not talk about theology for once!?

Blasted mouse! Just die already!

Oh, these stubborn grease stains!

I hate trains. And other trains. And buses that connect with trains. And all transportation right now, for that matter.

Holy heck, I didn't realise it could get so cold in Australia.

Wow! Vegetables! Fruit! I remember you!

I hope that has cleared a few things up.

Anyway, I'm back visiting the family over the uni holidays, and right now, mum is cooking some delicious smelling steak wrapped in bacon. Mmmmm.

If you'll excuse me, I'm off to gorge myself until I am forced to open the top button of my pants.

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