2003-06-12 at 9:12 p.m.

One of my old high school buddies, Simon, is writing a film script. This is perfectly understandable, as he has a degree in filmmaking, an active imagination, and a job working with computers. Always a dangerous combination. (Some of you may remember him as the man who made me climb a goddam mountain for one of his film assignments a couple of years ago).

However, there's a catch.

The script is based loosely on the lives and characteristics of myself and some of our other friends in our last year of high school.

Now, I had a pretty interesting bunch of friends. (I always figured we were the 'weird' group, but I think every person at any high school anywhere thinks they're part of the 'weird' group). Our lives would make for a most interesting screenplay. So, what's the problem, you may ask?

Just take a look at how he's chosen to describe me. (Note that he's called me Samantha. Tricky).


Age: 18

Samantha is part of the eclectic groups of Zac (the main character)'s friends. She is intellectually brilliant, yet socially inept and awkward outside of her own small world. She is a nervous person who is not happy with her image. Her defence mechanism is to shut down emotionally and rationalise everything. By distancing herself emotionally it becomes a problem to solve from a 3rd person perspective. She is a bulimic. Her journey is to discover herself, trust her own judgement and learn to follow her heart.


Let's recap, shall we?

She is intellectually brilliant, yet socially inept and awkward outside of her own small world- Okay, I'll grant you that. In highschool I was a complete bookworm (and still am to this day) and a bit of an 'intellectual', whatever that means. I was also pretty socially inept, but who isn't in high school?

She is a nervous person who is not happy with her image- I am pretty nervous, that's true. Anyone who's read this diary has probably guessed by now that I am not a mellow, laid back, take-it-as-it-comes type person. Example- I had to restrain myself from hurling a metronome at a wall out of frustration today while attempting to play Beethoven (exams coming up soon- expect more nonsensical rantings along those lines in the weeks to come). I bite my nails, twist my hair around my fingers, chew on my bottom lip- yup. It's official. I'm a wreck.

I am, however, pretty happy with my image, and was pretty happy with it back then. To summarise my standpoint on the issue in a concise and succinct manner- who gives a crap what people think?

Her defence mechanism is to shut down emotionally and rationalise everything. By distancing herself emotionally it becomes a problem to solve from a 3rd person perspective- Am really not sure about this one, but suspect that it may be at least partially true. Any thoughts?

She is a bulimic- Okay, here is where it all goes pear shaped. I have never had any form of serious eating disorder, although I did lose a lot of weight during year 12 through (healthy) dieting. Bulimic? And I'm especially cut that, in the script, the first time anyone sees Samantha she's in the process of vomiting up breakfast.

I hope and pray that Simon is using creative license in this case.

Anyway, it got me thinking. How would I write about my friends and cohorts during our last high school year?

Well, it would probably go a little something like this.

Note- names have been left the same to condemn the guilty.

High School, We Hardly Knew Ye

A Dramatic Saga In One Act

Michelle- I'm Michelle. I'm bookwormy and musical and angsty and misunderstood, and I think I'm probably pretty weird, too.

Simon- I'm Simon. I'm too good looking for my own damn good and I hang around with interesting people. I grew my hair long once, and everyone kept mistaking me for a girl. I also like to write things. And I'm misunderstood. And angsty.

Nath- I'm Nath. I really would like to be as flaming as I know I can be, but there's no way I can do it in this one horse town without sustaining grievous bodily injury. In the meantime I shall play 'Magic- The Gathering' a lot and angst. Oh, and I'll take Michelle to the Graduation Ball, too, which shows I have exceptionally good taste.

Bec- I'm Bec! I'm a princess! I look pretty in pink! I also sing, and hound Michelle to accompany me on the piano all the time, often in public and at extremely short notice! Whee! Angst! Whee!

Jill- I have a particularly troubled background, and have managed to deal with adversity amazingly. I am also remarkably funny. Monkeywoman! (Note- in-joke that no-one else will ever get. Just think of something funny someone else told you once in the meantime). I have curly hair, Doc Martens and lots of angst.

Michelle- Lots of scary exams this year! Lets study for them!

They do.

Simon- Now let's go get pizza and coffee and cheese naan and baklava during our study breaks!

They do.

Nath- Let's write angsty teen poetry!

They do.

Bec- Let's write a play based on religious imagery that is sure to offend everyone! Oh, and let's put Ronald McDonald in it, just for fun!

They do.

Jill- Let's get pissed!

They do.

Michelle- Oh look, the year's over. Now let's get the hell out of this town.

They do. Eventually.


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