2003-06-15 at 2:02 p.m.

I Like that Old Time Rock 'n Roll

Last night, I went and saw a gig by a band which features one of my friends on keyboard. 'Twas a very good (if loud) gig, and it gave me the opportunity to make a few observations-

- For the first two or three numbers of any band's set, the backup mics will be turned way too low. After repeated requests for the sound engineer to fix this, they will become only slightly more audible.

- When the lyrics of a song are unintelligable (sadly, this was the case for most, if not all, of the songs), the only words one will be able to understand will be 'love', 'cry', 'you', 'see', and 'misery'. I think these words work on a different sonic level.

- Along those lines- when performing a rap, the purpose is defeated if you can't understand a single bloody word.

- There is something powerful and awe-inspiring about seeing 3000 people in a mosh pit, leaping and writhing like a single, heaving entity. Conversely, there is something deeply pathetic about seeing four people moshing in a small pub room, flailing up and down like epileptics on pogo sticks.

- Bass players always have odd haircuts. I'm not sure why. (This effect was highlighted by the fact that the guy in question looked like a 23 year old Gerard Depardeiu).

- It doesn't matter how loud you shout to the person next to you, their response will always be WHAT!?

- You will always see at least one of the following genus of person at a rock gig-

The big dude in the flanno and trackie daks

The woman with short, spiky, brightly coloured hair, multiple facial piercings, and a politically aggressive T-shirt

The guy in jeans so large they have fallen halfway down his butt, revealing black Calvin Klein undies

The girl in the white capri pants, boob tube, and turquoise heels

The old guy with long hair who sits, unmoving, for the entire concert, listening with his eyes closed

The blonde friend of the guy who plays keyboards, wondering what the hell the lead singer is saying, marvelling at the bass player's haircut, and periodically screaming WHAT!?

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