2003-07-26 at 10:32 p.m.

Enter flatmate number four-hundred and twenty-seven

It is now with great certainty I can reveal that fellow Diarylander, bundychick, is moving into my house next week. I'll be glad to have company around here, and I think she'll be glad to get a little space from the 'rents.

It shall be an interesting household, without a doubt. Both of us are fairly... exuberant people, so this part of town can kiss its peace and quiet goodbye.

Unfortunately, I will be unable to bitch and moan continually about her here, since she knows where my goddamn diary is (I was actually the one who got her into this Diaryland caper. Now she has a super-plus Gold membership or whatever the hell they are, and I have squat). We've joked that we'll leave each other messages on our diaries, since we're more likely to receive them there than from post-it notes on the fridge. I know I spend more time staring at a computer screen than the fridge door, so I think it's a good system.

It's always a bit interesting when a new flattie moves in, but at least I know she can't be any worse than the drug-taking, sexually-harassing, kleptomaniac idiots I've had to deal with in the past.

Then again, I shouldn't speak too soon. She is a soprano.

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