2003-07-23 at 12:20 a.m.

Attend the Tale of Sweeney Todd

Well, turns out I can't be angry anymore at Brad for not arranging that music, because he went to the Con early today and spent all afternoon writing it. What a sweetie. And he's included a part for cap guns in the score (it's probably best that you don't ask) which has earned him serious points in my book.

Went and saw some of my friends in a local production of 'Sweeney Todd- the Demon Barber of Fleet Street'. In case you've never heard of it, let's just say that it's the kind of show that 'British Serial Killers Monthly' would call "The feelgood story of the decade!" Lots of slicing and dicing and cooking people into pies and liturgical dance moves and gothic eye makeup and, in one case, hideously mismatching sideburns that looked like they'd been made out of a carpet brush.

However, it does tend to go on a bit. Which is why I'm updating here at twenty past twelve, so tired I can hardly type. If you don't all mind, I'm gonna go catch me some shut-eye.

Oh, before I go, just thought I'd mention that according to this website, my ideal career is a 'Tea Boy'. Damn. I was hoping for 'Evil Overlord'. Or at least, 'Slightly Naughty Minion'.

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