2002-12-21 at 12:20 p.m.

Merry Christmas to All, and to All a Good Night

Tomorrow I'm heading off to the town of Casino for a week. I've always thought of Casino as being somewhat akin to Hades. For a start, it's just as hot. And full of demons.

My demons.

As in, people I am somewhat reluctant to be sharing strings of genetic code with.

We'll be spending a festive Christmastide in 45 degrees C, feasting upon ham and... ham... and corned meat, which is just ham with excessive amounts of salt.

We'll catch up with all our relatives... well, I expect they'll eventually catch up with us, even though we'll be running away from them as fast as we possibly can. We're not used to the heat. Or exercise in any form.

And, finally, we'll spend days just sitting around my Nan's living room with absolutely nothing to do, except watch John Wayne movies (once again, proving how similar Casino and Hades truly are).

I'll be taking a couple of books to read- a book on starting small business in Australia (for my Honours project) and Homer's The Iliad. Trust me, both of these will be more interesting than sitting around and listening to my Nan complain about how 'it's not the heat, it's the humidity'.

So, you won't be hearing from me for a week. Think of it as my Christmas Present to you. Have a good one, everybody.

And they heard her exclaim as she rode out of sight,

"Merry Christmas to All, and to All a good night!"

-'The Night Before Christmas', equal opportunities version

Piney says-

"Have an adequately jovial Christmas and an acceptable New Year"

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