2003-01-06 at 10:36 a.m.

I am a consumer whore! And how!

I have a shiney new dress.

This is, without a doubt, the most exciting thing that has happened all week.

Normally, I'm not much of a dress person. The word 'feminine' and I do not tend to go well together. Except when purchasing a bra, when I discover that I am, in fact, excessively feminine. For example, the last bra I bought went under the very tactfully named sub-brand 'Generous'. Generous? That's just a polite way of saying 'Whopping great enormous norks', isn't it? Go on, just come out and say it! I have great big ginormous boobs, okay? Are you happy now? Are you all happy?!

But I digress.

No, I am not a representative of femininity, by and large. However, the part of me that isn't constantly parading around in jeans and combat boots is irresistably drawn to pretty, shiney things.


Of course, I justify these extravagances to myself and others (and particularly to my parents, the bearers of money) by saying the following-

"But I neeeed performance clooothes!"

This has rarely failed to work. Thank goodness I do a degree where formal attire is classed as educational equipment.

So now I have a pretty new dress. Tomorrow, when I go back home, I shall throw myself into my piano practice with a passion rarely before witnessed. Not for any musical or educational purpose, but to hasten the opportunity to glam up the stage in my fabulous new frock.

Ciao, darlings!

*air kiss*

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